IoT in Agriculture: Technology use cases for Smart farming Introduction


IoT is revolutionizing almost every aspect of our lives by changing how we do things. Investing in IoT enhances operations efficiency and product quality and decreases production costs. The Agricultural industry is among the initiatives seeking to reap the benefits of IoT. The use of IoT in agriculture is commonly referred to as Smart farming.


The IoT technology has realized Smart habits, connected appliances, computerized machines, and uncrewed cars. Although, in agriculture, the IoT has brought the most significant impact under IoT solutions. Recent statistics reveal that the global population will reach 9.6 billion by 2050. And to sustain this vast population, the agriculture industry is surrounded by acquiring the IoT under IoT solutions.


  • Smart farming and IoT-driven agriculture are assigning the groundwork for a “third green revolution,” which mentions the integrated application of data and communications techniques under IoT solutions. It includes devices such as precision equipment, IoT sensors and actuators, geo-positioning systems, crewless aerial vehicles, and robots.


  • IoT technology helps control agriculture processes to reduce production risks and enhance the ability to foresee production results, allowing farmers to plan better and distribute the product under IoT solutions. Data about identical batches of crops and the number of crops to harvest can help farmers cut down on labor and waste under IoT solutions.


Technology use cases for Smart farming



Sensors are appliances on machines like robots, vehicles, and drones to collect data under Smart farming. They assist you in making better decisions, e.g., deciding how much pesticides or fertilizers you need to spray on your crops for optimal health under IoT solutions. For example, field soil sensors can compute the soil properties on your farm, including the PH, moisture, and nutrient levels.00




Robots are machines that operate to complete assignments previously done by humans in the area under IoT solutions. For example, after sensors collect and transfer data about the crops to the cloud, robots are automatically triggered to spray or drop water, seeds, or pesticides in Smart farming.

Advanced robots like drones and uncrewed aerial vehicles can complete the same spraying job much faster without taking up space on the ground under IoT solutions.




Trackers are appliances used to track the health and whereabouts of livestock under IoT solutions. For example, you can locate these solar-powered tags on cattle to track their number, well-being, and locations. The traditional, manual monitoring of animals can be frustrating and time-consuming as cattle do not stay at fixed locations under IoT solutions. Farmers must keep an eye on these animals to stop them from wandering off under Smart farming.




Connectivity is a method that links physical things to the Internet, so information is passed under IoT solutions. It’s a must when it comes to sending and receiving data. Without connection, WIFI, GPS, and sensors would not work; without them, farmers would not be able to monitor their crops and animals OK–being or respond to their needs based on the received and analyzed data under IoT solutions.


Big Data


Big data is concluded data meant for better decision-making in Smart farming. Without data analysis, information is numbered, and there would be no insights for farmers to, for example, determine where the cattle might wander off in daylight, adjust their nutrition accordingly, prevent disease or enhance the herd’s health under IoT solutions.


While talking about IoT solutions, is the self-service IoT platform providing you to build great IoT products and services with a value under IoT platforms. It connects, controls, and manages IoT devices in one place. gives a cloud-based system that connects everyThing to the cloud.


Advantages of implementing the Smart solution in Farms



Real-Time Crop Monitoring


Many places include indigenous farming methods mainly due to a lack of good ideas among the farmers under IoT solutions. Presently, the agricultural conditions have become more critical and involve complex operations related to weather forecasting and soil quality checks under IoT solutions.


Crop Protection


The IoT technology uses a data-driven approach and enables farm managers with modern techniques to keep a detailed check on their crops in Smart farming. It displays all the details of interconnected Smart gadgets.


Soil Testing and its quality


The IoT-based sensors are fixed underground to monitor soil quality and test its potential for different crops. It enhances how the farming sector works, providing the best solutions for error-free results in Smart farming.


Real-time Analysis of soil demand


Accurate soil information is one of the most beneficial resources for farmers to grow quality crops. The IoT provides precision technology for more sustainable and productive farming processes under IoT solutions.


Smart Greenhouses


Smart Greenhouses include IoT techniques and utilize connected appliances to create an automatically controlled environment for crop manufacture under IoT solutions.

The mechanical characteristics of smart greenhouses deliver real-time insights to the farmers and provide optimum efficiency in Smart farming.





IoT-enabled agriculture has helped implement modern technological solutions to time-tested knowledge. It has helped bridge the gap between production, quality, and quantity yield under Smart farming. Data ingested by obtaining and importing information from the multiple sensors for real-time use or storage in a database ensures swift action and minor crop damage under IoT solutions. With seamless end-to-end intelligent operations and improved business process execution, produce gets processed faster and reaches supermarkets in the quickest time possible under Smart farming.

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