Story of a Unique Entrepreneur’s Ultimate Success

Alex Kleyner Entrepreneur has had a remarkable career as a business executive. Store2Door Inc., a global e-commerce enterprise, was founded by him. In addition, he’s a partner in the real estate debt investment firm ABK Capital. This is fantastic because he started with nothing. His story of accomplishment serves as an inspiration to aspiring business owners everywhere.

His tale’s most impressive aspect is that he succeeded in two quite different disciplines. Let’s go into the nitty-gritty of what he did and how he did it.

Alex Kleyner of ABK Capital

Because he and Brian Hernandez created the company ABK Capital together in 2014, he is a co-founder. Because Alex had no prior real estate experience, this was a surprise reference point for a number of reasons. Brian’s previous work experience, plus Alex’s expertise in the real estate market, made this endeavor a success.

In 2008, they were obliged to look for money elsewhere because to the constraints posed by initiatives dubbed the budget market. As a result, they began to see a market for debt advisory and investment services.

Alex again made the right decision, resulting in more construction projects in South Florida. Developers can acquire the money they need from the company because it gives them more possibilities for lenders. Both partners strongly desired to donate money to building projects in South Florida. Because of this, they only granted money to long-term projects.

Alex Kleyner has been a pioneering business leader, first as the owner and operator of the international online retail delivery service Store2Door, and subsequently as the co-founder of the real estate debt investment firm ABK Capital, which he co-founded. Kleyner’s success in two different sectors is extremely remarkable for an entrepreneur, especially one who started from scratch.

It is Alex Kleyner of Store2Door

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Shoppers in the Middle East were able to buy American-made goods thanks to Kleyner’s Store2Door, which he founded in 2002. When the company’s founder considered how many high-quality products are created in the United States and sold at retail to Americans and those who reside in the United States, he believed this would be a fantastic business idea.

People who didn’t live in the United States, on the other hand, had to pay far more. To begin with, there was the shipping expense, which was already a lot. In addition, export fees were applied to a huge number of items. Finally, some items were only available in the United States. Foreigners had to either rely on relatives in the United States for product shipments or pay a hefty premium for local third-party vendors and marketers to obtain the desired goods.

Since there is a high demand for goods and products created in the United States, Kleyner believed that a business that could take out the middle man had a lot of promise. So what exactly is going on? Store2Door users from outside the United States obtain their own unique US address. That means that a US address can be used to place an order online at any US retailer and have the item shipped to them.


Afterward, Store2Door is in charge of picking up the things, shipping them, and delivering them to their consumers’ homes. That means you can buy an American product at the same price as an American citizen and take advantage of any discounts and incentives that come with it if you live in Saudi Arabia. After that, you can have the item delivered to your house.

However, you were still liable for the cost of delivery. On the other hand, Alex wants to make a difference in this area. For example, he wanted the option of offering substantially lower delivery costs than the norm. He was able to accomplish this by collaborating well with multinational shipping and logistics operator networks. To facilitate his business dealings with his partners, because he would be sending so many products at once, he chose a certain region, in this case, the Middle East. Alex’s decision to focus his efforts on the Middle East was, of course, a logical one, as the region was rife with wealthy individuals who were willing to spend.

Store2Door in the past and present

Home Page - English | store2door

A lot has changed since then for Alex Kleyner’s Store2Door, though. As soon as Alex’s first business began to generate a profit, he immediately set about expanding it. Furthermore, Store2Door is a well-known alternative fresh market delivery service in the United States right now. It has more than 300 sites and serves 325 cities across the United States. An additional office has just opened in Miami, Florida, for the Burbank, California-based firm. There are a number of cash-rich Latin American countries where the corporation hopes to grow its overseas operations in the future.


To distribute American-made goods to individuals in the Middle East, he founded this company in 2002. It is a delivery service for the internet and international customers. It was clear to Alex Kleyner that making and selling quality products in the United States was lucrative.

In contrast, those living outside the United States cannot purchase these goods due to the high shipping and exportation expenses. There was a hefty delivery charge and an export fee included in the item’s price. Finally, those living outside the United States could not purchase some products. People were forced to pay more or wait for a family member to travel to the United States to receive what they wanted, which was a major inconvenience.

This method of exporting US goods to other nations was devised by Alex Kleyner Entrepreneur, after he decided to eliminate the middleman and instead deliver products created in the countries where they resided. Store2Door’s first move was to provide each customer with a US address. Their purchases from US e-commerce sites were sent to their US addresses as a result.

After that, it was up to Store2Door to deliver the goods to their customers’ residences via courier. As a result, regardless of where you are in the world, the item’s price will remain the same. Discounts will be applied to items currently on sale in the United States.

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