What is ArcCAD ?

GIS (geographic information system) technology is used in ArcCAD, an AutoCADadd-in. Database administration and spatial analysis are added to AutoCAD’s already impressive skills in graphic design and geometric building with this software. To develop, manipulate, analyze and present digitally accurate geographic data, these GIS tools are incorporated into the AutoCAD environment.


Functions  and potentials


For the creation, management, analysis, and visualization of geographic data in various forms, ArcCAD offers numerous tools. Here, we go into greater detail about these capabilities.


Creation of topologies


ArcCAD includes commands for creating and maintaining the proper topology of ArcCAD databases and for creating element attribute tables (database files) that store thematic information about the map features contained in those databases. AutoCAD drawing entities  coverages can be used to create polygon, line, and point features with attributes. Geometric analysis on linear features, such as intersection detection and line generalisation, as well as the automatic correction of overshoot and undershoot errors after digitization using AutoCAD commands are all possible with the commands used to create topology.

Connecting attribute values to physical map elements

Map | National Geographic Society

ArcCAD’s data model is based on a relational database management system, and it gives you the tools to link your map databases with descriptive tabular data. Building and maintaining database tables for storing descriptive data about every point, line, and area on a map is possible. It is possible to edit tables in a database and add new fields to them; to merge tables that are related; or to extract only a subset of the fields from the tables. The attributes of any feature (point, line, or polygon) can use to select a group of features, and new field values can be calculate or change for any feature. New data files containing qualitative data on map features can also develop.

A visual representation and a search

Map features may displays with ease thanks to a wide range of commands in ArcCAD. With a set of reference and consumer point, line, and region symbols, the features of a polygon can shows. To regulate the symbolization of features, attribute values uses to control their representation. AutoCAD entity properties can use to display features as entities in any way you like. Attributes can also use to control how entity properties displays.

To produce high-quality cartographic products, ArcCAD can be combined with the AutoCAD graphic design tools. A geographic database can view in a graphical window using interactive query functions. Both graphic and attribute display features can select using the cursor. You can also specify which aspects to display; for example, only show properties whose zoning characteristics conflict with the current land use map. GIS queries and drawing queries can both use to create or select drawing entities or GIS features in ArcCAD, as well.


ArcCAD has sophisticated spatial manipulation and analysis capabilities. Polygon overlay, line-in-polygon and point-in-polygon overlay, buffer creation, and dissolve allow you versatility in data analysis. Combining spatial analysis functions allows for practically infinite analysis and modelling. These functions combine input data sets to create new data with derived properties. Using derived data, you can see new links between input data sets and make smart application decisions.


ArcCAD provides utility commands to handle databases. The database copy, rename, and describe commands. ArcCAD database transfer utilities move databases to other ArcCAD computers.


ArcCAD extends both ADS and Auto LISP, allowing developers to directly access and edit geographic database properties. ADS or Auto LISP can invoke ArcCAD user commands. This combo of programming options substantially simplifies customizing ArcCAD with Auto LISP macro tools or constructing new spatial application systems using ADS tools.


Command interface

ArcCAD runs in AutoCAD’s drawing editor. It commands, menus, and dialogue boxes like AutoCAD’s. ArcCAD commands can  enters many ways.

Command wise

Prompt accepts AutoCAD and ArcCAD commands.


ArcCAD comes with a menu file that lists all commands. If AutoCAD configures for screen menus, ArcCAD menu commands will appear. So, you may use ArcCAD pull-down menus and AutoCAD screen menus.

Dialog box—

Some ArcCAD commands are dialog-boxes. These dialogue windows mimic AutoCAD’s.



Use the arc help command to access online help for any ArcCAD command. The on-screen help displays command reference information.

ArcCAD commands


The ArcCAD command interface follows many protocols that might be triggered at certain command prompts.

Below are command conventions:

  • AutoCAD cancel cancels any ArcCAD command (ESC on some platforms, control-C on others).
  • Any AutoCAD method for defining the distance between two points can use when a command requests a measurable distance.




If a theme needs to store the output of an ArcCAD operation on a GIS data set (e.g., the output theme create by the buffer or clean commands), it declares during the command. You will see the following message and enter a subset of the defthm command that allows you to specify a GIS data set and symbol number. Additional theme defining variables can inferre first from GIS context and not provides. ArcCAD operation resumes after output theme defines.

Output theme…


  • Specifying a question mark (?) at the Theme name prompt runs listthm. This lists available themes when an ArcCAD command requires one.


  • The default theme name is the last one specified. Default theme name is ‘THEME’ if not specified.


  • A theme name can have up to 31 letters, numbers, and underscores.



A question mark (?) at any Symbol: prompt executes the sym info command for the relevant symbol type whenever an ArcCAD symbol number is required (point, line, shade or text).

In order to acquire a complete list of symbols in the current symbol set file, you can use this command. An icon menu of symbols from the  default symbol set can display at any Symbol: prompt by selecting the symbol index command for the corresponding symbol type (LinIndex, MrkIndex, ShdIndex or TxtIndex). Choosing a symbol from the icon menu will cause the current  command to be updated with the symbol’s number.



The undo group command in  can undo any modification to the current drawing. An abbreviation for this term is “u”. GIS data sets and themes cannot be undone using the Undo command in  (e.g., you cannot undo the buffer command).

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