Who Is Saylor Gulliams?

Saylor Gulliams and her friend Brendan Vega from Ventura were on a hiking trip. When something bad happened, both of them got hurt and yelled for help, but they couldn’t get help because the area was not well connected and had few people. They got hurt all over their bodies. After a few days, Brendan Vega’s body was found somewhere else.

And Saylor, who had gone missing, was found on the West Virginia side of the Greenbrier River. People have different ideas about what happened, like whether Brendan Vega was killed or died from his injuries.

Who was Brendan Vega?

He was born in Sylmar, California, on April 23, 1991. Both fell, something went wrong, and they both got hurt. After a few days, he died from dehydration and bad wounds.

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When happen with saylor guilliams?

Saylor Gilliam and Brendan Vega went hiking together a lot. Both friends were walking one day. But you took them off the path. Saylor Gilliam badly hurt her ankle and wrist, and Vega broke her arm. But Vega got up and yelled for help, but no one came to help him.

We both missed them. After being lost all day, the man’s body was found at 10:30 a.m. Later, after two or three hours, other hikers found the woman in the Tangerine fall area. She was severely hurt and could not move, so they helped her.

The man fell 20 to 30 feet down a rocky cliff and was found dead near the Cold Spring Trail in Montecito. Along with his death, there were a lot of rumors about conspiracies. Some people thought it was murder, but others thought it was an accident.

Is she alive now?

Saylor Gulliams, a hiker who had gone missing, was found hurt. She was seen in a place where there weren’t many people. Some hikers found her and took her to a hospital, where they treated her ankle and wrist injuries. Vega, her friend, died, which was sad.

Even though her hiking partner, Vega, tried hard to help her, he could not save her and died. Some sources and people thought it was a murder, but investigators found that it was an accident. Saylor Guilliams helps out with her mother’s business right now.

How much money Connor Douglas Gilliland has.

You broke Saylor Guilliams ankles and wrists and the badly hurt Vega arm, but he still had enough strength to stand up and seek help. She was in places where it was hard to find other people. She is getting better in a hospital right now. After these things happened, the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department said that on Monday, the body of a person from Ventura was found near the Cold Spring Trail in Montecito.

Brendan Vega

Brendan vegan was born in Saylor on April 23, 1991. He died in an accident while hiking with a friend and trying to get help for her. When the event took place, he was only 22 years old. That happened soon after he finished high school.

As they moved forward, they both fell and kept hurting themselves. Then Vega went to get help, but he didn’t come back. Reports from the Sheriff’s Office said there was also poor cell phone service, and the two people yelled for help for hours. On Monday morning, a couple hiking in the area found a Vega body in a rocky, wooded area.

Saylor Gulliams uses social networks.

She is on Instagram and Twitter but posts infrequently. After the terrible event, a lot of things changed for her. At the moment, she works as an assistant for her mother. She doesn’t spend much time on social media, but if you look at a few of her posts, you can find her.

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The mother of a woman who died on a hike speaks out.

Both were 22 years old.  He died after him and his friend Saylor Guilliams tried to get help.

Guilliams has been in and out of surgery for the last few days, so she didn’t find out that her best friend had died until Wednesday morning. On Wednesday, William’s mother talked to News Channel 3. Sandy Limpkin said that Guilliams and Vega had been friends for the past four years. They went out for a few months in 2010, but now they’re just friends. My daughter said nobody knew him like me. She wants to visit the grave. She has something to say about him.


Limpkin says she started to worry when her daughter didn’t come home Sunday night.

I got a text message saying we found Saylor on the trail. She has two broken ankles and a broken arm and is in pain, but she is talking to us.

Limpkin was happy to hear that her daughter had been found, but her happiness turned to sadness when she discovered that Guilliams’ friend, Vega, had died while trying to help the two. It was terrible. It’s still devastating because, as a mother, I’m glad I’m not at the morgue, but someone else is.

She wants to thank the hikers who found her daughter one day. I’d like to talk to them. I want to thank them, and I agree with what Jeff said about leaving flowers on their doorsteps for the rest of their lives.

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